OLV hoists also come as standard with paddle limit switches, six-position electronic operation limits, and an overspeed/direction sensor.

They also come equipped with Magnetek Impulse •G+ Mini variable frequency drives (VFDs).

Additionally, the Intelli-Connect Mobile: Wireless Drive Monitoring, Analytics, and Configuration option can be integrated so operational data, fault codes, speed adjustments, and more are accessible from the plant floor, meaning there is no need to go up to the hoist.

Open-loop and closed-loop vector control are two different strategies used in motor control systems.

According to Columbus McKinnon the hoist and VFD combination provides: 6:1 speed control that enables a wide range of hoist lifting speeds while decreasing load bounce; a ramp-down-to-stop feature that decreases load bounce and increases brake life; a gearbox-mounted speed sensor that protects against overspeed and speed deviation; and the Quick Stop feature that allows hoist to stop within 3in at high speeds.

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